Word 2013 windows 7
Word 2013 windows 7

After downloading Office 2013 SP1 and run it as admin, it gives me an error about "This update is not applicable to your version.", or something similar. Yes, Windows Update is set for updating other Microsoft products. The "Update Options" drop down menu does not have the "Update Now" option and it does not update automatically.

word 2013 windows 7

The current version information is displayed next to the update option icon and verified via clicking on the "About" icon: Clicking on "About Outlook" icon shows this: exe file, that evidently has taken place on the other PC. The other option for installing Office 2013 via the.

word 2013 windows 7

The version number is in the first line in the image and yes, this installation has the latest version of Office 2013. In this case, the click-to-run update option is not available in "File\Office Account" in any applications, only the "About Outlook" icon active:Ĭlick on the "About" icon, displays the current version of Office: After researching the issue, couple of things that I've learned.ĭepending on the type of installation of the Office, there are different ways the updates managed.

word 2013 windows 7

On one of the systems, MS Office does not update, while the other does. I have two Windows 10 Professional, 64-bits (1709) with the latest updates, both systems have MS Office 2013 Professional. Moderator(s), please move this topic to the correct forum, thanks.

Word 2013 windows 7