Modern anti tank rifle
Modern anti tank rifle

Bi-pods, mono-pods and muzzle brakes are used as accessories to employ these rifles as comfortably and accurately as possible. The recoil produced by the employed cartridges dictates that these rifles are designed to be fired from the prone position. The large cartridges are required to be able to fire projectiles containing usable payloads, such as explosives, armor-piercing cores, incendiaries, or combinations of these, such as the infamous Raufoss Mk 211 projectile. In general, anti-materiel rifles are chambered for 12.7×99 mm (.50 BMG), 14.5×146.7 mm, and 20mm cartridges. Anti-materiel rifles are similar in form and appearance to modern sniper rifles and can often serve in that role, though they are usually chambered for cartridges more powerful than are normally required for killing a human and can operate at a greater range.

Modern anti tank rifle